Article written for Print Monthly Magazine
Let’s face it, running a print business can be highly competitive so it’s important to understand the needs and expectation of our customers. From my own experience with the businesses I work with, using customer surveys is only something...
As professionals in the printing industry, we often focus on operations, sales, and technology—but one key driver of success is often overlooked: the company we keep. The conversations we have, the energy we share, and the support we receive from those around us play a pivotal role in our...
Over the last year, I've seen a significant rise through my coaching relationships with people in our Industry being diagnosed with ADHD. For those affected, it's been an eye opener to understand why they behave the way they do and from my own perspective, it's caused me to change my coaching...
As a Print Coach, I've had countless conversations with print business owners about the challenges they face, not just in business but in life in general. One of the most common struggles is managing the expectations we have of the people closest to us. It can be a sensitive subject, but a...
Article written for November 24 Issue of Print Monthly Magazine
In my years of coaching within the printing Industry, a challenge I see many business owners face, and in fact, I’ve helped many overcome, is knowing when the right time is to expand the team. The timing of this can play a huge...
Article written for Print Monthly Magazine
This month I wanted to shed some light on an everyday issue I witness within the printing industry, conflict between printing companies and their trade suppliers. I’m very fortunate to have sat on both sides of the fence and I guess the aim of...
Up until a couple of weeks ago, I'd never even heard of the TV Show Ted Lasso. I'd been listening to a radio show where the presenter who'd also just discovered it was touting it as one of the best programs he'd ever seen. Curious to see what it was all about, I started on episode 1 that evening...
Article written for Printwear & Promotion Magazine
In this month’s issue of Printwear & Promotion, I wanted to share with you some
ideas to consider that will give you a competitive advantage over your competitors
and hopefully plant some seeds about how you approach your...
Success in selling print is often measured by the ability to close deals and generate sales revenue however, amid the pursuit of profit, the significance of ethical selling can sometimes be overshadowed. As a business coach here in the printing industry, I emphasise to print business owners that...
It’s something we all know we should do, yet many of us shy away from attending networking events due to lack of time or from the fear of stepping into presumptuous stuffy rooms with clique business people. In truth though, printing companies traditionally will always do very well from...
Like many of us did during the pandemic, whilst there were many sad outcomes around the world,
there were also some things that happened that brought joy to our lives. Everything slowed down,
we got to spend more time with friends and family and if you are anything like me, you took time to
As a print business, offering discounts to customers can be an effective way to drive sales, build customer loyalty, and attract new customers. However, there are both pros and cons to offering discounts, and it’s important to consider these carefully before deciding whether or not to...