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5 Reasons Why You Need A Work-At-Home Schedule

business mindset scheduling work from home Sep 24, 2021

I think one of the positive things to come from the Covid-19 Pandemic is giving businesses better insight into the benefits of working from home. Yes, it invokes the vision of freedom, but actually what it has done in most cases is allow businesses to continue trading and in some circumstances shown distinct levels of growth. I've actually seen examples of businesses closing down their bricks-and-mortar premises and move completely online. 

I've always been very productive working from home. I've done it for years and created some good habits for doing so however it can throw up some distractions from time to time, couriers making deliveries, kids walking in during a zoom call, pets needing let out in the garden, for me in early covid times, the news was a major distraction. 

Nowadays, I have a strict schedule that maps out my pre-determined day for me. I use a programme called Asana for laying out all my systems and processes and it just means when I come into the office each day, I have a To-Do List all there to work through. You can also use things like Trello or Google Task Manager. 

After doing this for a number of years and also helping my clients set up in the same fashion, I've discovered 5 reasons to embrace the schedule to get more from working from home. 

  1. It's too easy to waste time doing non-priorty tasks
  2. It's too easy to get sidetracked or distracted from your current task
  3. Unscheduled work time can often overlap into your free time until you don't have any free time left
  4. Your free time can overlap with your work time until you don't have any time left
  5. Concentrating your time and effort on the highest priority projects means you get more of the right stuff done

I assure you, if you embrace this and give it a go, you will find it more freeing than restrictive and if you have staff working from home, get them on the case as well. You might just see their productivity and job satisfaction levels soar. 

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